There are people around the country and around the Miami area who are accused each year of theft in the workplace. While many businesses report that employee theft is a major problem, that doesn’t mean that everyone accused of it is guilty of it. Being accused of employee theft here in Miami and beyond can lead to serious consequences. It’s important to know what to do if you are accused of employee theft.

Those who are accused of employee theft are generally going to be humiliated. Beyond that, there is also a chance they will suffer some more serious consequences. Most people accused of stealing at work will lose their job, they may be criminally charged with a crime, and they may have to pay restitution. Before it comes to all that, the first step someone should take is to get representation.

When someone in Miami is being accused of theft, they should immediately contact an attorney. There are numerous things an attorney can do to help your case, including:

  • Evaluate the investigative tactics used by the employer to see if they are lawful and admissible. You have rights, too, and they need to be respected, even if they are investigating employee theft at their business. An attorney will evaluate their policy and practices to see if they are in violation.
  • If the police were called to the scene, an attorney will obtain the report that was filed. While you should immediately call the police if accused of theft, some people may mistakenly speak with the police first or write a report at their work. Both of those reports will be collected by the attorney and used to help your case.
  • An attorney can play an important role in helping you to clear your name of the theft. They can also help you to get your job back, get paid any lost wages, and even seek a payment for damages done to your reputation and emotional state.

Even if you have been accused of stealing at work, you have rights. Without an attorney by your side there is a good chance those rights will be violated. If you are accused of theft in the workplace in the Miami area, call us here at Roy Kahn Law. We can help address your theft case and will do our best to protect your reputation and job interests.