You didn’t pay child support. How long will I stay in Jail?

You didn’t pay child support. How long will I stay in Jail?

If you didn’t pay child support and were arrested, the time you serve in jail will depend on several factors, including your financial history, criminal record, and other circumstances. You are not entitled to a jury trial if you face misdemeanor charges for not...

Dog license to carry a dog for emotional purposes

Over a lifetime, each of us will experience periods where it is appropriate to carry a dog for emotional purposes. A recent study was published and has shown that nearly 56% of dog owners have taken their dogs out for a walk for an emotional reason. This can be due to...

Make sure the intruder is 50% or more inside your property.

The State of Florida, allows its residents to use deadly force in self-defense under the Stand Your Ground Law. In Section 776.012, the Florida Statutes state that a person is justified by the law to use deadly force if they reasonably believe that deadly force is...