What is House Arrest?

What is House Arrest?

House arrest, also known as home confinement, refers to a sentence wherein a Defendant is ordered by the Court to remain in their personal residence according to a curfew. They are often only permitted to leave to go to work. Below, we will answer some frequently...
You Can Be A Drug Dealer and Not Know It – Part 2

You Can Be A Drug Dealer and Not Know It – Part 2

The issue of labeling a person as a drug dealer is up for debate. Since drug crimes present themselves in several ways, you can be a drug dealer and not know it. Moreover, a drug dealer is any person involved in the illegal selling of drugs, whether knowingly or not....
You Can Be A Drug Dealer and Not Know It – Part 2

Could You Be A Drug Dealer and Not Know It?

Could You Be A Drug Dealer and Not Know It? When you think of a drug dealer most people have a specific vision in their mind of what they look like. A common vision of a drug dealer involves someone standing on a street corner waiting for their next customer to come...