Jul 2, 2022 | Domestic, Drugs, Forgery, Fraud, Homicide, Tax, Traffic, White Collar
Understanding the Process of Serving Community Service Hours in Miami, FLWhen a defendant pleads guilty in a criminal case, sometimes, the alternative to paying huge sums of money in fines is to perform community service. The dollar amount of a fine(s) is set by the...
Oct 3, 2021 | Domestic, Drugs, Forgery, Homicide, Tax, Traffic, White Collar
If you witness a crime in the making, there are steps that you should take to help ensure everyone’s safety. If someone is being attacked or robbed, for example, it would be wise to call 911 and get as much information from the perpetrator as possible before...
Sep 2, 2021 | Domestic, Forgery, Fraud, Homicide, Tax, Traffic, White Collar
Fortunately, the American legal system entitles individuals accused of criminal offenses the right to a trial. Moreover, said subjects are afforded the right to appeal the decision rendered by a judge, jury, or other ruling body. Those somewhat familiar with the court...
Mar 1, 2021 | Blog, Drugs, Forgery, Fraud, Homicide, Tax, Traffic, White Collar
House arrest, also known as home confinement, refers to a sentence wherein a Defendant is ordered by the Court to remain in their personal residence according to a curfew. They are often only permitted to leave to go to work. Below, we will answer some frequently...
Feb 1, 2021 | Blog, Domestic, Drugs, Forgery, Fraud, Homicide, Tax, Traffic, White Collar
The terms jail, prison, and house arrest are often grouped together. However, for Floridians facing incarceration, said words hold different definitions. Notable Discrepancies Between Jail And PrisonSome people might think the institutions in question share the same...
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