Technology has helped defense cases nationwide. Police officers have dashboard cameras and wear cameras on their uniform to help document situations. As you have probably seen these cameras have shined a light on the behavior of police officers in certain situations. The initial reason cameras were recommended for the police was to back up the actions of the officer and show proof during a trial against the defendant.

As you have realized by now, this benefit works both ways and often helps the defendants case. If you have been arrested you understand it’s a scary situation. Sometimes you might know exactly what the reason is and other times you can’t imagine what you might have done wrong.

If you are arrested you are told you have the right to remain silent. This is a right you should always take and save your side of the story for an attorney that is going to help you with your case. Just because you choose to remain silent it doesn’t mean you don’t cooperate with the police. This means when they tell you to put your hands up, or place them on the car, and instruct you to do anything else required by law during the process of being arrested you need to cooperate. It makes it look better for you since you didn’t put up a fight or disrespect the police in any way during the process.

When you arrive at the station you will process accordingly. Follow all instructions and when asked, state that you would like to contact an attorney and you continue to use your right to remain silent.

You get a phone call from the police station after you have been arrested. It’s wise to contact a family member or close friend that will help you contact an attorney. Tell them what happened and to please contact an attorney. Generally, the attorney will visit you in jail to review your case and offer guidance on the situation. Defense attorneys have your best interest in mind and are experienced with the legal system. They often do their best to provide you with the best outcome possible for the complex situation you are experiencing.

Have you been arrested? Or, Do you have a loved one that has been arrested? Contact us today for further assistance.

Roy J. Kahn, with years of legal experience in a wide variety of criminal law, heads a “boutique” firm, which means that your attorney is Roy J.Kahn, not a paralegal. If you have been charged or are about to be charged with a crime—or if you have been contacted to be a witness in a federal grand jury case, you need a qualified defense. You should consult with an attorney immediately and know that you have a right to make no statement until you have consulted with an attorney To contact Mr. Kahn, he can be reached at 305-358-7400.