Often times a person will find themselves in a bad situation—they’re at the wrong place at the wrong time—or they make what seemed like a reasonable mistake at the time, and that mistake leads to criminal charges.

When it’s a citizen’s first offense, or if they’ve only ever been involved in relatively minor crimes in the past, many state prosecutor’s will offer a pre-trial diversion program or other alternative to the traditional criminal process.

However you may find yourself accused of a crime too serious to qualify for such a program, or you may have a criminal history that makes the accused ineligible for these programs.

When this happens, it’s very possible that the government may have overcharged the accused. In this case, the citizen may be able to negotiate a plea deal that avoids the criminal process through the mutual consent of the accused and the state.

If you enter into a plea agreement, part of that agreement may be a request for the pleading citizen to serve their sentence under house arrest.

House arrest is generally accomplished through a combination of ankle-monitoring (or other electronic monitoring) combined with regular check-in’s with a probation officer.

Miami-Dade county has recently begun allowing citizens to enroll in a house arrest option either pre-trial (while they’re awaiting proceedings) or post-conviction (that is, in lieu of a jail sentence).

However, any citizen accused of a felony seeking house-arrest as an alternative to incarceration must meet certain often strict criteria; to find out more about this program and other alternatives to detention contact one of our professional criminal defense attorneys today!

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Roy J. Kahn, with years of legal experience in a wide variety of criminal law, heads a “boutique” firm, which means that your attorney is Roy J. Kahn, not a paralegal. If you have been charged or are about to be charged with a crime—or if you have been contacted to be a witness in a federal grand jury case, you need a qualified defense. You should consult with an attorney immediately and know that you have a right to make no statement until you have consulted with an attorney To contact Mr. Kahn, he can be reached at 305-358-7400.