You can also commit Mortgage fraud by using falsely inflated appraisals and other misrepresentations to secure an oversized loan and then pocketing the difference in proceeds. A variety of federal and state laws make this crime punishable by law.
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Inside Florida state law, land and home loan extortion are administered by Statute 817.545.
Under this law, an individual has submitted contract extortion if they act intentionally and mean to swindle while:
-Substantially distorting realities to acquire a credit
-Purposely work with the deception of realities
-Get material returns from the deception of realities
-Recording a report associated with the home loan process distorting realities
What are the consequences of Mortgage fraud in Florida, Miami?
In practically all cases, this sort of extortion is classed as a lawful offence, regardless of whether the sum is underneath $1,000. If the sum is underneath $100,000, it is viewed as a third-degree legal offence. Anything above $100,000 is a second-degree lawful offense.
The offense distributes punishments. These include:
-Jail time
The consequences of mortgage fraud in Florida, Miami are severe. Mortgage companies typically lose significant amounts of money when mortgage fraud is committed, and it’s not uncommon for the company to go out of business after suffering damages from criminal activity like this.
Suppose you’re convicted or plead guilty to committing a crime under laws against mortgages (or any other type). In that case, you could be facing time behind bars as well as hefty fines that will make it difficult for you to find employment anywhere. You can also expect your name to be published on the internet with sex offender lists so that employers who check up on their applicants before hiring them will know about your past immediately if they google “Miami” together with ‘mortgage fraud’.
Mortgage Fraud occurs when someone knowingly misrepresents information relating to a residential real estate transaction. The most common type of mortgage fraud is when someone offers false documents such as fake pay stubs or forged signatures on bank statements.
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