Domestic abuse is not only a serious crime punishable by law, but it can also have adverse effects on your social status and family life, and even affect your employment prospects. With the increased focus on safety, companies are asking about criminal backgrounds more often.

Consult an attorney as soon as possible if you have been arrested for domestic violence. It is imperative that you understand your legal rights when facing this type of charge. Your rights can be protected throughout the legal process with the help of a good attorney.

Defining Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse is a pattern of behavior that varies in severity. This type of abuse may include physical, sexual, emotional, social, spiritual, or financial abuse.

Domestic abuse consists of a variety of forms, including violence. A person can also suffer from emotional abuse. Victims are often isolated from family or friends and are made to feel worthless or inferior. As a result, they may experience social withdrawal, affecting their relationships, careers, and family life.

What to Do After Being Arrested for Domestic Violence

You have the right to stay silent and can speak to an attorney. The best course of action is to speak with an attorney before talking to the police because anything you say can be used against you in court.

Furthermore, you are entitled to bail. A judge will determine whether bail should be granted. A judge can deny bail if there is a very high risk that you will re-offend.

After an arrest and a court hearing, you are left with two options: jail or house arrest with an ankle monitor (this means wearing a bracelet on your leg).

How a Lawyer Can Help You

You need to contact an experienced lawyer if you have been charged with domestic violence. When someone is arrested for domestic violence, they are in a vulnerable position. A charge of this type can have major implications on a person’s life, including jail time, fines, probation, and more. A knowledgeable attorney is required to defend them if they are innocent.

An individual who has been charged with domestic violence has several defenses available to him or her. Your lawyer will go over these defenses with you and help you minimize the consequences of your arrest and get the best possible outcome. If you have to go to prison, a lawyer will work to reduce the sentence.


If you have been arrested for domestic violence, you should understand that not all hope is lost. In the event of domestic violence, you can still protect your freedom and future by consulting an attorney who specializes in such cases.

Speak to a lawyer as soon as possible. Do not procrastinate for any reason. The longer you go without legal representation the worse your predicament is likely to get. In fact, contacting a lawyer sooner rather than later could even mean the difference between house arrest and serving time in prison.

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Roy J. Kahn, with years of legal experience in a wide variety of criminal law, heads a “boutique” firm, which means that your attorney is Roy J. Kahn, not a paralegal. If you have been charged or are about to be charged with a crime—or if you have been contacted to be a witness in a federal grand jury case, you need a qualified defense. You should consult with an attorney immediately and know that you have a right to make no statement until you have consulted with an attorney To contact Mr. Kahn, he can be reached at 305-358-7400.