Contesting a Red-Light Camera Citation in Florida
Getting a traffic ticket in Florida can happen in many ways. It’s possible to have stopped over the line too far at an intersection. You may have misjudged a light and gone through the light at the same time it turns red. These actions could be recorded by a red-light camera. A hefty fine will then be sent to the owner of the vehicle.

Red Light Cameras

In the state of Florida, there are over 62 jurisdictions that use red-light cameras. They are considered a form of photo enforcement technology. Red-light cameras are designed to record a driver who commits a driving violation at a red light. They are used to support the prosecution of the offender. A vehicle will pass over a sensor at an intersection when a light is red. This will activate a camera. It will take pictures. The vehicle’s front license plate and driver will be photographed. Once a violation is determined, a citation will be issued and mailed to the owner of the vehicle. It can also record over 11 seconds of video for additional evidence. It has proven to be very proficient at catching drivers committing traffic violations.


In Florida, a red-light camera is used to identify a violation, the owner of the vehicle will be expected to pay for the traffic citation. When someone is driving a vehicle, they do not own, the vehicle’s owner will be made responsible for the violation. It is possible for the citation to be dismissed. This can happen if an affidavit is submitted to the court. The process can be challenging. It is recommended people seeking a dismissal discuss the situation with a legal professional.


There continue to be debates concerning the legality of Florida police having red-light cameras from third-party vendors. The Florida Supreme Court determined red-light cameras are legal. The court determined red light cameras can be utilized as a way to enhance public safety. Some Florida cities use red-light cameras and others refuse to use them. Should anyone want to know if a particular Florida city uses red-light cameras, they should check the city’s website. Some Florida cities will provide important information such as the camera locations, fines from citations based on red-light camera images, and more. They will also have information on paying and disputing the citations.

Should someone get a citation from a red-light camera, they should pay it within 30 days. If a person wants to contest the violation, they should contact us since we focus on traffic tickets. The procedure could be recorded by a court reporter. Roy Kahn is a legal expert who can guide you through the entire process. Our team knows how to make certain all legal deadlines are met. We know how to gather evidence and present a person’s case in the most effective way to the local traffic court.